We have hit the YOUTUBE charts with our new

TEAM DOGS SONG have a listen here!


Hi folks,

Welcome to TEAM DOGS, and we are so happy that you stopped by to say hello.  We thought it would be nice for us to introduce ourselves to you, so here goes……


#BELLAthedog hard at work proof reading product reviews


My name is Bella (#BELLAthedog) and i am the TEAM LEADER.  I am a Labrador Retriever, i was born on the 24th of March 2007, i am very proud of my full pedigree as i have 7 generations of Field Trial Champions in my family.

I have lived here since i was 7 weeks old and i know that i am loved and appreciated just for being me.  

I am not a working dog like the rest of my ancestors, instead i chose a career that keeps me in the warm, well most of the time anyway.  My mum says that i am very clever, wise, calm and well mannered (which is needed a lot living among those unruly cats (just kidding, i love them all, but they can be a handful, but luckily i have Bono to help me keep them in line too).  

#BELLAthedog is settling down for the evening ready to watch TV

#BELLAthedog ready to watch TV

Anyway, where was i, ah, yes i remember now…….

My favorite things, well, i like the obvious things like going for a walk, having a swim and eating….oh yes…i love my food, but my mum has me on a strict well balanced diet, which is okay as i still get the odd treat here and there.  What i love the most is my teddy bears……oh i love my teddy bears.  

If you want you can go to my PHOTO ALBUM in the GALLERY section and have a look, i am sure i told mum to put some teddy bear pictures in there too.

Now….hold on to your hankies, i am going to let Bono tell you his story………

Thank you Bella…..  Right….Hello folks.

I am BONO (#BONOthedog) i am a Llewellin Setter or English Setter and I too have a full pedigree, but unlike Bella i know nothing about my family or when i was born (i was taken away from them when i was very young and i had nobody to tell me about them) The vet says he thinks i am around 7 or 8 years old now, My mum gave me a birth date which is 30th June, as she said it is only fair that i have one so i can have a party and presents too.  

#BONOthedog my first week with #BELLAthedog and my new mummy, i didnt know what to expect

#BONOthedog my first week with #BELLAthedog and my new mummy, i didn’t know what to expect

Before i came here i was very unhappy.  I was beaten, chained up, starved and finally i was left out to roam the streets.  I was found by someone who took me somewhere (I can’t remember where), that it was warm and dry and they gave me lots of food (they said i only weighed around 14kg (which was not good apparently), anyway from then on things started to get better for me.  First a lovely vet looked after me and then i went to stay with a lovely couple who continued to help me get back on my paws and i will always love them for that.

But then one day, out of the blue, they told me that i was leaving them (oh…i was so scared….what did i do wrong i thought), but then they told me the plan.  I was coming to live here with my new mum and family, who would never ever let me go and i could stay with them as long as i wanted to.  I think that was sometime on October 2011 (i cant remember to clearly as i was super excited).  My mum tells me that i am smart and obedient (okay, sometimes obedient) and well mannered too.  

#BONOthedog so proud to have a loving home and happy at last.

#BONOthedog so proud to have a loving home and happy at last.

My main job is to keep the cats under control (one bark from me and they stop misbehaving).  I try to play with the toys but i am still afraid of some things (i am getting better though, mum gave me a ball the other day and i gave it right back to her…….(she was all excited about that).  Anyway, i will try my hardest to bring you some good reviews of toys and other things but you have to understand, some of those toys still scare me and bring back bad memories that i am trying really hard to forget.  So please forgive me if i am not as good as Bella (she has been doing this whole playing things since she was 7 weeks old), i am trying.  

My favorite things are the pretty much the same as Bella,  I have some teddy bears too but she seems to always hide them with hers.  I am a really good at swimming and i love my food (I love the cats food too).  I would say the thing i love the most is curling up on the chair or on the bed with mum where it is lovely and warm and where i feel really safe.  I too have my own PHOTO ALBUM in the GALLERY section so feel free to have a look.  

Now, what else can we tell you…..oh yeah…… we BOTH have our own PLAYLISTS in YOUTUBE and if you would like to see the videos we have made for you, you can click the YOUTUBE button (at the bottom of the screen), you can go to the VIDEO GALLERY or you can click  #BELLAthedog YOUTUBE or you can click mine #BONOthedog YOUTUBE.  We hope that if you like our pictures or videos that you will want to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and / or SHARE.  We both love our jobs here at and if there is every anything we can do, test or review for you please let us know.  You can contact us any time on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE or EMAIL.

#LUCYthedog, is here for a sleep over and she helps out with Dog Toys Reviews.

#LUCYthedog, is here for a sleep over and she helps out with Dog Toys Reviews.

Oh my…… Bella…… we nearly forgot about little LUCY (#LUCYthedog), she doesn’t  live here, but she is our best friend (i think she thinks i am her boyfriend….girls huh), and we can tell you a bit about her.  She is a King Charles Spaniel.  We don’t know how old she is but we think she is the younger than us.  Her mum, lets her come to stay with us when she has to go away for the weekend or on her holidays.  

Lucy loves her food, and running around the garden but the thing she loves the most when she is here is stealing the cats toys and chewing them and eating their food too.  Bella and i have got pictures of Lucy in our PHOTO ALBUMS in the GALLERY and she is even in some of the YOUTUBE videos.  She is very helpful and when she is here she even helps out with reviewing and testing the toys and lots of other stuff too.

Bella and i can’t think of anything else to say at the moment, but if you have any questions about anything you can leave us a COMMENT BELOW and when we finish for the day we will read them together and get back to you.

THANK YOU  for stopping by and taking the time to get to know us a bit more.  We look forward to getting to know you too.

Lots of WOOFS, 

Together we are #TEAM DOGS






Bella, Bono and Lucy too XOX

You can NOW EMAIL US, just click on our names !

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Mary Norton
8 years ago

I love it!!! All of them sound so sweet. Great post!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Mary Norton

I grew up with a Labrador called Belle (used to call her Bella)…they are wonderful dogs and natural born leaders!

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary Norton

Woof Woof (Thank you).  Mum said that she is putting another video up this weekend.  We will message you when it is done. xox #BONOtheDog 🙂

8 years ago

Greetings to TEAM DOGS' Mummy!:)


I am captivated my Bella and Bono…so smart and with a language all their own…yet it's universal!

 My wife and I have our little girl dog, 'Clover'. She has an almost identical background to sweet Bono.

 It took me a while to train her to fetch her ball to me. 

 She didn't seem to know what it was, or how to play(!)

 Now I wonder if back then, she was frightened of it. When I would throw it in the yard, Clover would run to me and stand between my legs as I stood there in bewilderment:)

 I want to come visit you all and pet Bella and Bono again!:)

All the BEST:)


6 years ago
Reply to  Terry

Oh…hello…UNCLE TERRY…. We are so sorry but I did reply earlier but MUMMY, #MUMMYourGuardian says that WORDPRESS ate them all! She said you would know what it ment. So I am having to re-do all my lovely messages from everyone. I do hope all your babies are well. We #TEAMCats and #TEAMDogs are all GREAT! We thank you very very much for our LOVELY #TEAMDogsSong and I have been practicing my singing too I am still a bit frightened of fetching the ball but i am getting a bit better. Cant do it too often or MUMMY, #MUMMYourGuardian, will expect it every time…LOL…Anyway, I have to go now but PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH with us….XOXOX and Woofs too. your nephew BONO, #BONOtheDog #TEAMDogs #TEAMDogsSong

8 years ago

I love this! I actually feel like I'm having real convos with these beautiful dogs! I definitely will check your videos out guys!

6 years ago
Reply to  Crystal

Thank you so much for your kind words and we will let you know when mum has them up, she is working on it, I PROMISE..


#BELLAtheDog (#BONOthedog is asleep, he is always sleeping)

6 years ago
Reply to  Crystal

Hi Crystal, I just wanted to let you know, I did PROMISE in my last message to you, that MUMMY, #MUMMYourGuardian, has just put up a new FAMILY PRODUCT REVIEW and if you have a look at our YOUTUBE CHANNEL you will see she has ADDED LOTS MORE VIDEOS too.
Hope you will let me know what you think of them. Lots of XOXO and WOOFs.


David Hopper
8 years ago

This is amazing! I just met you guys but I'm already in love with Bono lol. Can't wait to watch your videos and read your reviews!

6 years ago
Reply to  David Hopper

In reply to David Hopper.
Oh…..Dave…. I WOOF you too….and you sound really nice, i realised i am not affraid to WOOF since i moved here.

I know i am still a bit scared of everything but mum and my dad bought me a teddy for my birthday last month and i actually

played with it and mum got it on video so i have asked her to put that up ….its not a lot, but it will be my first and i will really

try hard to play. So that i dont run away mum has a new collar on me and it vibrates if i dont listen to her…some times it beeps to

and it helps me know what to do (i get carried away barking at the crows….i love crows…yum….anyway i will let you know how that goes.

Oh…and does this mean that you are my friend now (you will be my first new friend)…if it does i will write again and do you have any dogs too?

WOOF’s and XOXO to you too,


8 years ago

I really like the profile of Lucy, I used to have a dog that looked a lot like her and did a lot of the same things. All of them looked great but I think Lucy would be my favorite of the group. Thanks for sharing this article!


6 years ago
Reply to  Jon

Hi Jon, thank you so VERY VERY MUCH for your lovely compliments. What was your dogs name? I hope you will keep in touch and see what both #TEAMCats and #TEAMDogs will get up too. I know i wont be in many of them as i only come to visit now and again.

Sorry this message is only just getting to you but MUMMY, #MUMMYourGuardian told me to tell you that a WORDPRESS update ate your messages and she has only just got them back…so SORRY for that.


#TEAMDogs, #TEAMDogsSong
#TEAMCats, #TEAMCatsSong

Wendy browne
8 years ago

Hi Bella, Bono, Lucy and the cats. This is Maggie, and I can be found on my Mom’s site….petnecessity. My Mom knows your Mum through the WA site, so I thought I would say hi. I am an English Bulldog, and I am 1. I play with a Basset Hound named Leroy, a Saint Bernard named Moose, and 2 Dachshunds named Mo and Willy.