CATS and DOGS have FUN


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have REVIEWED for you so far !




We have hit the YOUTUBE charts



Hi folks,

Both of our teams, here at CATS and DOGS have, #TEAMCATS, #TEAMDOGS, work in shifts, every day of the year.  If you have any cat products or dog products that you would like to see us test and review then PLEASE contact us by SOCIAL MEDIA or EMAIL us (just click on our name).

Your ideas and/or comments are important to us and we will do our BEST to fulfill your requests.

Our favorite TV Channels are Jackson Galaxy, My Cat from Hell and Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer.  Lots of our good Ideas have been influenced by these shows, so we just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU.

We love our jobs and we want to grow and help CATS and DOGS have FUN all around the world but we can’t do it without your support.  So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for visiting us here and reading this.  

All of us look forward to helping you and making you, and your CATS and DOGS have FUN too.

Lots of love, Woofs and Meows 

Mummy (our guardian)Bella and Bono (TEAM DOGS) and Charlie, Arthur, Richard, George, Trouble, Vicky, Annie, Lizzy, Mimi and Mini (TEAM CATS) too.

DON’T FORGET if you want to SEE what we all get up to when we are NOT WORKING check out our CAT and DOG pictures in the GALLERY section or visit the our official YOUTUBE channel.

COMPETITIONS, FUN CAT SURVEYS, FUN DOG SURVEYS and lots of other FUN PET stuff will be posted on our HOME and BLOG page.  

But, if you want to leave your email address (there will be no junk mail or anything else) and then we will send you regular updates or you can comment below 🙂

Thanks again for the visit, and we really hope you enjoy our website.




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8 years ago

I am more of a dog person. My hubs is a cat lover. I try almost daily to convince him how BADLY we NEED a dog hahaha Love your site!

Mike Rogers
8 years ago

Great website! Thanks for sharing all of this info!! 🙂

Mike Rogers
8 years ago

Thanks for putting the time into this awesome site! Great information here! 🙂

8 years ago

Hey team cats and dogs – have fun!

6 years ago
Reply to  Sharon

Hello Sharon and thank you for your kind words. I am the only one up at the moment so i thought i would grab the laptop while it was free and it was so nice to see your comment here. I love to chat you see. Anyway, we all have our picture thingies that should show you who is replying…i think mine is rather cute…What do you think?

Anyway, I had better run, before the others get up again (we dont sleep for long you know), much to be done… Hope you will come to see me again soon.

Love and Meows. LIZZY XOXO

#TEAMCats, #TEAMDogs
#TEAMCatsSong, #TEAMDogsSong

8 years ago

Hi cats and dogs I loved your you tube videos. I want to get your autographs. All the best.

8 years ago

What a wonderful family you have!

8 years ago

Tania, I just went to the gallery – and wow! What wonderful pics you have there of your beloved cats. I love to see them, one by one, and ask myself which character they might have and what place they have in the cat family. Isn’t it amazing how different they all are?

Barbara J Power
8 years ago

Great website! What would we do without our pets? I have six dogs and three cats (one is pregnant), two rabbits, four chickens, 9 horses and some cows. I’ve also raised baby skunks and raccoons in the past. God knew what he was doing when he gave us pets to love, and created them to love us back!

Therese Roth
8 years ago

This sounds like someone truly appreciates the fun and relaxation that these wonderful beings can bring into our lives!
They are our friends….
Keep up your great work!

7 years ago

Team cats and dogs! What a great concept you have! Love it. Also you are providing some great reviews. I will look for the products.

Annie OBrien
Annie OBrien
5 years ago

Nice to meet you and the beautiful Bella today she looks amazing and I hope the biopsy is fine (by the healthful look of her I doubt you have anything to worry about – let me know). The homeopathic vet that Donagh referred me to is Tom Farrington. If you talk to Donagh or Roisin they could refer you. He is in Cork. Roisin gave her ears the all clear today for polyps – which cats with leukemia are so prone to. Kali could still have them however only an MRI would show it she couldn’t find any which was good. So it’s because of this that I need to be super careful. I could use your calendula suggestion for the others just not her – it was actually another vet who warned me to be really really careful with her ears. Kali has come a long way recently – she has had a tough time and she was 2.5kg on Nov 30th 18 when I got her and today she weighed in at 3.1kg today so fingers crossed and the naltrexone she is on seems to be working – hoping it will put her leukemia into remission – will find out in July. If you have any tips on hiding medicine in food or healing occasional scratches please share them 🙂
Kind regards

4 years ago
Reply to  Annie OBrien

Hi Anne. Oh my god…I cannot believe that i have only just now got your message. I have been having major issues with my website but i am hoping that everything is getting sorted this week. How are you all..? what is new? how are the babies? please bring me up to date? I will get the info you requested to you asap. in the meantime, do you have facebook? Love and hugs to you all xx Tania and Bella #MummyOurGuardian #BELLAtheDog XX