Interactive cat toys for cat and dog fun


Reviewed for you by TEAM CATS and TEAM DOGS




Interactive cat toys for cat and dog fun, Interactive cat toy, interactive dog toy, funny cat toy, funny dog toy, #Mummyourguardian, #TEAMCATS, #TEAMDOGS

This BALL BATH / BALL POOL was Mummys idea (#Mummyourguardian) and as you can see from the picture above, this fun interactive cat and dog toy or should we call it a cat and dog game!

Interactive cat toys for cat and dog fun too. Homemade cat and dog fun. Its raining cats and dogs in this BALL BATH / BALL POOL. We have Funny cats and dogs.  See our funny youtube videos too :-))

Mummy told us to tell you that she got the sand and water pit and balls in store from (you can see a link to the balls on the same page, reserve only) and the wand and the cushions in store from

So that everyone everywhere can get access to these really fun Interactive cat toys for cat and dog fun too (we can’t forget #TEAMDOGS too, can we?) she has put some links here so that you can order and pay online and get them delivered straight to you home :-)) so have a look at the bottom of the page or click here.

So that this is a fair review by all parties the Team Leaders have decided that there are going to be rules for each cat and dog to follow:-

Therefore, each team member has a short ….yes we said SHORT! amount of space on this page to write about the fun they had playing with and in the Ball Bath / Ball Pool.  They are also allowed to have ONE picture, ONLY ONE each ….do you all hear that!…..Got it?……

Right, lets get started…the running order will be as follows…..and no arguments!  Bella, Bono, Myself (CHARLIE), Arthur, Lizzy, Richard, Vicky, Annie, George, Trouble, Mini and Mimi, if she is feeling up to it…..  Right, lets get started then, Bella, it’s over to you.

#BELLAtheDog in the BALL BATH / POOL where CATS and DOGS have FUN

#BELLAtheDog in the BALL BATH / POOL where CATS and DOGS have FUN

Cheers Charlie………….. Okay, I, #BELLAtheDog, have to admit when i first saw this Ball Bath, I didn’t quite get it. Until, Mummy told our Daddy, #DADDYourGuardian, to go and get the DREAMIES cat treats.   Well my ears went up and I just had to see what was going to happen.

As I was watching them playing, trying to find the cat treats, it looked like the cats were having so much fun.   I tried to get in there to grab some treats but they were just too quick (mummy did give me one or two though).  Since the first day, I have had a lot more play time in it and I hope you will like the video footage mummy to put together for you.

Just pushing my nose into the balls and swishing them out onto the ground with my tail WOW it is so much fun.   I give the Ball Bath 8 out of 10.  It would have been 10 if it was a bit bigger.  Right, Bono, come on……..Huh, whoops, sorry, was trying to make my bed….right, i’m on it….

#BONOtheDog in the BALL BATH / POOL where CATS and DOGS have FUN.

#BONOtheDog searching for treats with his head in the BALL BATH / POOL our Great Interactive Cat Toy and Dog Toy Too where CATS and DOGS have FUN together.

Now, okay this Ball Bath thingy, right!  Well, I #BONOtheDog thought it was scary.  I thought the cats were mad to go in there.  But I don’t mind admitting, I was wrong.   Watching them playing and pushing the balls with their heads and feet well, I must say it actually looked like cats having fun.

My interest also peaked when Daddy got the treats out.  I wanted to get some too but i was scared of putting my head in the Ball Bath.  George was really fast to the treats and when he ran through the balls, he made me jump.  Mummy showed me one of the balls and i felt much better.  So when the next lot of cat treats were thrown in, i went for it!  I have to agree with Bella, it really is good fun for dogs too and if it was bigger it would definitely get a 10 out of 10 from me.

With a bit more practice i think i would be really good at getting the treats before George.  Now, as we have to keep it short all i will say is that i hope you like watching me in the videos too.   Okay, who’s next? Oh yeah, Charlie……..over to you...

#CHARILEtheCat in the BALL BATH / POOL. I really love this tunnel. This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#CHARILEtheCat in the BALL BATH / POOL. I really love this tunnel. This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

Thanks Bono.   Okay, now, when I, #CHARLIEtheCat, first saw this monstrosity I really thought Mummy and Daddy had gone completely BONKERS!   I was a bit worried about getting in, as all the balls kept moving and i didn’t know what to do at first, but I got there!

I was hoping you would be a SCAREDY-CAT…….. I had a bet on with Annie that you wouldn’t do it……it cost me my favourite bed for 2 whole days!………well that will teach ya to underestimate me!……. George…now where was I.

Yes, as you can see from my picture, and from the the videos, which i really hope you will watch,  I DID IT and now I really love it, especially when mummy puts the Tunnel in with the Balls.  Getting my head right in there searching for goodies is really quite relaxing, so relaxing I have a Cat Nap every now and again.

I give this Interactive Cat Toy a whopping 8 out of 10.  I would probably give it a 10 out of 10 it it was a bit bigger as the others, especially George and Richard, tend to hog it and when they are in it there is not much room for the rest of us…………Hey, you trying to say i am fat?   Not at all, the vet already said that! (Charlie Sniggers)……WATCH IT… ain’t so slim yourself Ginger!……Oh Richard, I’m sorry, but i couldn’t resist…..right now……enough fun and games ………Arthur……’s your turn….where is he, he is always late...

#ARTHURtheCat in the BALL BATH. TUMMY TIME is so much fun and i just love all the BALLS in this Great Interactive Cat Toy where CATS and DOGS have FUN.

#ARTHURtheCat in the BALL BATH. TUMMY TIME is so much fun and i just love all the BALLS in this Great Interactive Cat Toy where CATS and DOGS have FUN.

I’m Here! Hey boss, sorry, was just having a few words with Vicky, she is such a chatterbox you know. Oh Arthur, just get on with!

Okay right!  The Ball Bath or Ball Pool.   Well……..I, #ARTHURtheCat, don’t have a lot to say except I LOVE IT,  LOVE IT, LOVE IT!  While the other cats were sleeping mummy came in to our cat room and said I could have TUMMY TIME.   Well in I jumped and Ohhhhhhh boy, what fun i had.   As you can see from the picture Mummy and Daddy got the extra Balls to fill it right up to the top and if you want you can watch my video and see first hand what I mean.  I would love to know what you think.

I give this Great Interactive Cat Toy a whopping 11 out of 10……ARTHUR! you are being silly, you can’t do that…………Wanna bet?  I can and I just did!  It’s my review Annie now be a sweetie and go play with a mouse.  Now, where was i oh yes, Lizzy, come on, your next……..LIZZY!

#LIZZYtheCat in the BALL BATH / POOL. I just LOVE finding the CatNip Cushion #MUMMYourGuardian hides in this Great Interactive Cat Toy where CATS and DOGS have FUN.

#LIZZYtheCat in the BALL BATH / POOL. I just LOVE finding the CatNip Cushion #MUMMYourGuardian hides in this Great Interactive Cat Toy where CATS and DOGS have FUN.

Oh heck, coming……..where were you?  Sorry Arthur. I, #LIZZYtheCat, was busy watching the birds eating from the new bird feeder……..It is so exciting…….flapping and flying and……LIZZY!!…..sorry! ….right, okay…….Focus.   The Ball Bath, well now I wasn’t really that interested at first but then Mummy put the Catnip Cushion in it and WOW……it is so much fun.   I couldn’t find it at first but once i got used to pushing those soft balls out of the way I was hooked and having a really good time until George and Richard, came over and started climbing in. it’s not big enough for all three of us, so I bopped George right round the chops but it didn’t stop him………I only wanted to play you know……..yeah, you always say that George and then you just take over, it was my turn and i was having fun…..Sorry but it’s true.

Now where was I ah yes…..I give this really cool, great Interactive Cat Toy a 10 out of 10 too.  I hope you enjoy watching my videos, where you will see for yourself how much fun i was having.  Do say hello to me if you want to?  I love to chat.

George: Hey Lizzy! Did ya see that Bird ?  Bird!, what Bird, where, gotta see it, where? where?……….

Lizzy! you never called Richard…..what are they like.  Richard, come on! Stop bird watching will ya….what? Oh right.  Here now! Thanks Charlie.

#RICHARDtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I am having so much fun in this This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#RICHARDtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I have told you so many times Vicky (#VICKYtheCat), get in and find your own BALLS and DREAMIES. These are MINE, ALL MINE.

Okay, what do I #RICHARDtheCat, think of Mummy’s Homemade cat toy? Well, answering that is simple.  I LOVE IT a lot!  Why do i love it, i hear you ask?  Simple, it is great fun.  I love playing our new game, find the treats.  Pushing the balls out of the way and kicking them with my feet and beating George to the treats is the best fun ever.

I give this great cat toy a 9 out of 10.  I would give it a 10 if mum could figure out a way for it to have treats hidden in it all the time.  Oh, Richard, seriously……..all you can think about is your stomach.  What about the cushion?  I saw you playing with it the other day.

Oh, yikes.  Cheers Trouble, nearly forgot about that.  The cushion, of course I love that too.  It smells sooooooo good, I love rubbing my checks on it.  Biting into it and crunching it is my favorite next to finding the treats that is, oh those Dreamies.  RICHARD! FOCUS!…… Huh, oh yeah, okay, right well thats me done…I am off to join Lizzy and the birds, see ya………. Vicky!

#VICKYtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I didnt realise those BALLS were so soft. I have to say I like This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#VICKYtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. Oh my, I can see why the rest of the them love it in here. These BALLS are so soft and I can smell CATNIP too.

Well, excuse me, watch it Richard, you nearly knocked me over!  No manners!  Sorry Vicky!  Right, what can I #VICKYtheCat say?  In the beginning I wasnt quite sure what it was all about.

The other cats all seemed to be having a lot of fun with it, but there were too many around and all the balls moving and the noise was a bit to much for me so I just let them get on with it.  I must confess that when those tasty cat treats, Dreamies i think they were, came out it did make me sit up for a bit.  Luckily Mummy let me have some alone time with the Ball Bath and that is when i fully understood how much fun this cat toy really is.

I haven’t really played much, with the catnip cushion yet, but when i do i will get mummy to video it for you.  With this in mind i give it an 8 out of 10.  I think it will go to a 10 when i actually get some time to play on my own.  I will now hand you over to ANN…………

Here mum, no introduction needed!  Annie, you made me jump!  Sorry mum.  Okay now my turn.

#ANNIEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I just LOVE to hide in This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#ANNIEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. If i keep really still I dont think she will see me. This is so much fun

Now I #ANNIEtheCat, LOVE IT SO MUCH!, its all i can think about.  I just want to be in it all the time.  The Balls are so soft and I can grip them with my feet and hands.  I love to kick them and move them with my face.  Oh it feels sooooo good.

The Catnip Cushion, oh my, WOW!  It is such fun.  When mummy put it in the Ball Bath I just had to jump in and find it.  As much as i love find the treats, find the Cushion is so much better.  Gripping it and biting it and the smell….oh lordie, I just can’t help my self, I just have find it and grab it and bite it and kick it!  You can watch me play

This is the best cat toy ever and it gets a 10 out of 10 from me.  Now I will hand you over to George which means the Ball Bath will be free……..see ya……George you have to get out…its your turn to talk about it……Not yet!…..NOW! or i will tell CHARLIE…..oh…you can be such a SNITCH sometimes Annie!

#GEORGEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. Searching for DREAMIES treats in This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#GEORGEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I Just Love to beat the others to the DREAMIES treats they are my favorite. This is so much FUN

So, it’s me #GEORGEtheCat and I have to say that Annie has said what i was going to say.  She always does that, it is so annoying and it is not fair!

As you will see from my videos, I am really good at finding the treats.  Its soooo much fun!  I can even beat Richard to them, which believe me, is not easy to do as he is really fat…..GEORGE!!…..I meant Strong….REALLY STRONG (George Sniggers).

I give it a 9/10, a 10 if it was bigger.  So that is really all from me, for now anyway.  I will keep you updated so watch out for my Posts / Videos too.

Right, over to Trouble then……HEY! Prissie Missie….you ready?  Ohhhh my dear George….Prissie indeed….you do make me laugh…NOT!! now go swat a fly or something.

#TROUBLEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. Have a look at my VIDEOS, I did get into this This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#TROUBLEtheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I’ll think about getting in for you MUMMY if you promise to make it more interesting…..I need more stimulation that the rest of them, you know that right?

Hello everyone!  Well you should all know me well by now, enough to know that I am intelligent and very particular about my toys and how I play.  I am not particularly keen on pushing balls around for no particular reason….GEORGE:  Its called fun!….(Trouble ignores him).  But I have to admit is was FUN to watch them playing.  See George I can use it too!

Now, I did appreciate the effort Mummy went to to make it more interesting for me and as you will see from my videos, she got quite inventive.  I have to admit I did laugh at her A LOT!

My favourite bit…hum…..let me think on that for a bit.

I give the ball bath a 10/10 as it was HILARIOUS watching the others and Mummy could really adapt it for my needs too.

Hope you Love, Like and Share my pictures and videos and if you want to write to me, I will always write back.  XOXOXOXO’s to you all.

Now I have to go and wake up Mini.  She always eats too much and falls asleep and oh my that girl sleeps so deep she needs a bop to get her up.  Come on sleepy head (gentle bop)……Wha….t, oh…..h my……what time is it…..did i miss dinner?  Huh….Trouble is that you?  Ye…..s, Mini its me and its your turn to talk about the Ball Bath.  Oh, Trouble you are such a love.  Thank you!

#MINItheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. I cant help my self its just too much fun this This Great Interactive Cat Toy. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#MINItheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. Oh my, this Ball is just so yummie. I just have to eat it all up.

Okay folks, just give me a minute to groom a bit……………………………okay…right.  I, #MINItheCat would like to say first off I give it a 9/10, it could have been a bit lower and a bit bigger.  With 3 of us in it, it was a bit cramped and it was hard for me to get to the treats.

At first I wasnt to sure about it.  I put my foot in and it seemed to get swallowed up by the balls and I didnt want it to dissapear, I was a bit scared.  As I watched the others I realised the balls were just moving so I put the other foot in too and WOW….it was soft and very interesting.  Those balls are actually really good fun and i can grip them really well.  I am so glad I got in and that Daddy (#DaddyOurGuardian) lifted me into it too.
When I am in there alone, I just never want to get out. TROUBLE: Unless food is on the table! LOL………Yes Trouble, you know me too well my dear….. LOL

You will see from my videos that my favorite things to do in the Ball Bath are bury my head and kicking the balls and eating…..oh the hunting for Dreamies is the best fun ever.

#MINItheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. It is fun to watch them all in This Great Interactive Cat Toy is so much fun. We at CATS and DOGS have FUN LOVE IT.

#MIMItheCat and the BALL BATH / POOL. Will you guys please turn it DOWN a bit. I really want to get some sleep….PLEASE

That is all there is to say about me.  I have tried to get Mimi (#MIMItheCat) up to chat but she says that she wants to catch up on her sleep and she has a headache ’cause we kept her up all this morning and all day yesterday playing and she just wants to rest.   She did write a few words and asked me to read it…….she said it looked like fun from what she could see as my butt…..seriously Mimi, when you wake up we are going to have words…….and Richard and Annie were blocking the view from her round brown bed at the bottom of her tower….. but it is too energetic for her.  She prefers simple toys like soft mice.  She said that from a on-lookers point of view she would give it a 10/10.

Charlie!  I think we are all done.  Okay Mini, on my way……Right folks…..Hope you have enjoyed our thoughts on this great new toy and we hope you will watch all our videos and look at our pictures too and remember if you want to chat to any of us you can just click on our names and presto…….you can type away.   We will always get back to you ….might take a day or two as the que for this laptop can get a bit crazy……but we will get back to you.

MEOW’s and WOOF’s
Much love and lots of XOXOXO’s
#TEAMcats and #TEAMdogs

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7 years ago

Wow! I would not have thought of this for my kitties. It looks like your kids really get into it! Do they knock the balls out of it? It seems like they would eventually. This a really great idea! I think one or two of mine would be hesitant at first but then really get into it! Thanks!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Hi Jessica, thank you so very much for writing to us all and so happy you liked the Ball bath. The cats do get a bit roudy with the balls and I do have to run after them and pick them up and put them back where they belong but I don’t really mind to much as it is fun to play with the balls too. Anna, #ANNAtheDog, my new sister, is a bit rough with the balls and breaks them quite often but mummy says not to worry as she has plenty hidden for emergencies.

I did notice that the cats tend to push their way to the bottom of the pool looking for their cushion pillows….I think they are mad, but mummy says that they are special CatNip cushions that help the cats find their way and it is fun for them and keeps them calm so they dont get scared when they go in for the first time.

I hope you will keep in contact with us as we are going to be having a lot of fun with the website shortly. Mummy was having big problems, shouting at boxes and cables that come out of the computer and the wall but she says that it has been sorted now.

Hope to see you soon…Love and hugs and Woofs and Meows too XXXXXXXX Bella, #BELLAtheDog